Monday 24 April 2023

Friarbirds in Mallacoota

 This morning I heard a Noisy Friarbird calling from some flowering gums in Lions Park, in the very centre of Mallacoota.  I thought that was the first I had heard here, but I had recorded one from Karbeethong - in 2017!  Whatever: the species isn't common here, with 32 eBird records (compared to 2553 records for Little Wattlebirds and 3319 records for Red Wattlebirds). Here are a few interesting charts.

The first shows the localities from which they have been reported. I can't make any generalisations from that!

The second shows the number of observations by year with a smoothing line. Obviously there are many years with no observations. My memory (regrettably not like a steel trap these days) is that 2018 was a year with a massive bat camp due to a heavy bloom of eucalypts. I suspect there isn't coincidence at work here.
The final chart shows the number of observations by month. I have used a year ended June to show the central tendency around Summer. Not surprising for a nectivorous bird.

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