Tuesday 7 September 2021

Seen from my desk

 Earlyish in the morning of 7 September there were some roos engaging in a touch of the good old ultraviolence on the paddock about 300m away.  Always amusing, in an eye-watering way, to watch.  What made this particularly interesting was the 3rd Party joining in.  

Shortly after the last photo was taken the one on the left grabbed the one in the middle and clogged it under the tail.  Obviously, sinking the slipper into the umpire  doesn't get one reported in this game.

There was then an avian ruckus as the Little Corella flock left Karbeethong.  Rather than coming back towards the town centre they flew to a pine tree and Bucklands and made it look like a Stackhousia mongyna!
Following a suggestion on Facebook I counted them by putting a dot on each bird.  To make it simple I changed colours each 20 birds.
In fact I counted three times getting 114, 116 and (in the pictured example) 115 birds!

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