Mid-morning of 27 September Frances spotted a large lizard on the lower lawn. The tail looked a little pointed, but referring to Reptiles of Victoria confirmed it was a Common Blue-tongued Lizard (Tiliqua scinoides).
Shortly thereafter she found two of them near the washing line.The one of the upper level decided to go visiting. Was it going to make love or war?
Love was definitely looking like the answer here.
Perhaps it was the reptilian equivalent of come and see my etchings? Nothing more active happened while I watched.
As the lower one stayed still I took a close -up of its head.
On the 28th the Lizards appeared again. They seemed to move quite quickly since the following sequence commenced very son after I had mown that part of the lawn. And they were definitely reveling in the throes of fornication when I noticed them.
Still affectionate?
The male - I assume the lighter one was the male - seemed keen for a second round. The female, less so!