Monday 29 July 2024

A bit stormy

 On the evening of the 28th it looked as though some weather was incoming.

The appearance of virga just on sundown added to the foreboding.

This was not displaced.  By midnight we had recorded 20.6 mm with a peak rate of 83mm/hr, which while not record breaking, is more than drizzle.  Also a couple of thunderclaps (one about Secret Beach, the other on the road near the hairpin bend).  

Things then calmed down until 0700 on the 29thsince when it has been shower after shower, currently totalling a furth 12.8 mm.

By 1300hrs we were beginning to feel cabin feverish so went for a drive to Bastion Point to if there were any interesting birds blown in.  There were not!  However the sea was quite photogenic.  I started sitting in the car:

We then walked down to the seat at the end of the breakwater.

And ended walking out on the jetty.

Possibly accompanied by Judy Garland singing in the background ...

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