Thursday 1 August 2024

Walks are getting interesting!

We went for a walk up the Narrows yesterday afternoon, with objectives of:

  1. relaxing; and
  2. checking on the state of florification, especially WRT Indigofera.
I am pretty confident that objective 1 was achieved.  Obective 2 was also satisfied since we did see an example of Indigofera with a flower.  I example and 1 flower but ....
Somewhat to our surprise as orchid flowering has not been good recently we found a few flowers from that family.  The first sample was Caladenia catenata.
We found a colony - perhaps 6 plants of Pterostylis melogramma.  A small greenhood, which is included as a "Tall Greenhood" which as the plant was about 10cm high seemed a bit of a misnomer!
Next up was P. curta, recognised by the twisty labellum.
An interesting shelf fungus which may be Phellinus wahlbergii.
On the Narrows walk we met another resident who commented that she had seen some Nodding Greenhoods on the Betka River loop. So on 31 July we took ourselves off there. First good sighting was a Split-gill fungus Schizophyllum commune.
Then another strange specimen.  
The most distinctive element was the shape of the gills.  Unfortunately my phone managed to find a way to focus on the trees not the gills but hopefully this shows the odd shapes on the underside.  This makes it, in my view a very good match for Inocybe australiensis as shown in "A field guide to Australian Fungi" by Bruce Fuhrer.  (An identifier on iNaturalist disagrees with this, but I shall continue the debate.)
There seem to be a lot of Coral Fungus around this year.  This is Ramariopsis crocea.
I have been hoping to see one of these for years!  Ileodictyon gracile Smooth Cage Fungus.  Somewhat surprisingly it is grouped with Stinkhorns. (It looked very like a bit of discarded plastic packaging!)
We finally found the target: Pterostylis nutans!
Unlike many of the local greenhoods this one has a rosette of leaves,

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