Tuesday 2 July 2024

June 2024 Weather Report

 In summary, yucky.  A very wet month and overall cool with only high minima saving it from being rated as cold.


The month totalled 241.4 mm at Angophora Drive.  There were significant falls on 15 days and only 8 days failed to trouble the scorer.
The monthly total is 355% of the median fall for June and obviously well above last year.  There have only been 4 Junes with heavier falls, with the heaviest being 309mm in 1978.
To provide some context, the following map shows falls recorded in June 2024 at some other nearby sites.  (A wunderground site at Tamboon, well to our West recorded 386.3 mm for the month, similar to sites in the Marlo area.)  The differences apparent reflect the squally nature of the showers, with the fall at any point in time of space being more or less random.
A further indicator of the squally nature of these falls is the maximum rate on the 2nd being 102mm/hr and on the 3rd being 72 mm/hr.  My WS has 585 records of rain rates and those are 23rd and equal 56th respectively.  

The falls at Angophora Drive have given a large boost to my pro-rata estimate of the 2024 annual fall.  The year-to-date amount (570.4 mm) is already above the total for the driest year recorded (532 mm in 2019).


The anomaly for the month ended in negative territory(just: -0.13C).  This follows a period of unusual warmth earlier in the month.

My time series analysis - a 12 month moving average - suggests that the warmth coming from the La Nina of the last 2 years is calming down - although more data is needed to be sure (to be sure).
A chart of the daily extremes shows maxima consistently below average for much of the month while the minima are mainly above average.  These are discussed more below.
The most common mixture of min and max was minimum above and maximum below.  A much higher than normal proportion of observations were in that group.  There were no prolonged spells of consecutive days with both extremes significantly above or blow the long term mean.  With high minima and low maxima the daily range of temperatures was typically lower than average.

Minimum Temperatures

All indicators show the minimums to be higher than usual. The average minimum for the month was 8.1C, well above 2023 and the long-term mean.
The set of annual results from my WS shows the value for June to be on the upper edge of that pattern.
There is a marked difference between the start and end of the month. The minima for the 6 days from the 4th to the 9th were all >1 SD above the monthly average.  The 'minimum' on the 7th, 13.6C was >2 SD above the long term mean for the month and the 7th (out of 892) highest June minimum.  In contrast 5 of the last 10 days were > 1SD below the long term mean.

Maximum temperatures

The maxima show the opposite pattern to the minima.  The highest temperature recorded in the month was 19.2 C - only the 67th highest June maximum - while the lowest maximum of 11.5C was the 10th lowest June maximum.  The average maximum was very much below 2023 and the long term mean.

As would be expected my WS series has the maximum way down.
On 11 days the maximum was more than 1SD below the long-term mean maximum for the month with 2 days going >2SD below.  Only one day was >1SD above the mean.


For the first 3 weeks both standard time readings were quite high and the closeness of the two values was very noticeable.  A more normal pattern was apparent for the last week.
The 0900 readings were rather higher than average and last year.
As would be expected from the foregoing, the afternoon reading were very much above 2023 and the long-term mean.


Generally the daily windruns were about average.
At the daily level the only outstanding day was the 3rd, recording a run of 193km, the 5 longest for June, and again reflecting the squally storm cells.  Looking across all months that value is only the 177th longest run.

Solar Radiation

A friend with a house near the Wharf has kindly made available, since September 2022, his WS data recorded through the Tempest system.  This includes a number of measures not covered by other  stations including lightning strikes and Solar Radiation.  Only 1 Lightning strike was recorded in June but the Solar Radiation data emphasises the gloomy nature of the weather in June.

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