Friday 5 July 2024

Yes Virginia, there is a Spangled Drongo!

 I reported yesterday (4 July) on a frustrating failure of a search to relocate a Spangled Drongo reported on Facebook near the Log Cabins (point 1 in the map below).  

That became even more frustrating with another report of a Drongo hawking on Lakeside Drive (point 2) almost immediately below our house (point 3).   This was a few days earlier.

On 5 July we played croquet at the Mallacoota Golf Club (point 4) and throughout the game (an hour) could hear a call, identical to the second call of a Spangled Drongo on the Pizzey and Knight ios app, coming from the bush alongside the driving range (aka the old soccer field).  

After our game we walked over towards the source of the calls looking for a hawking bird.  This was not successful, and the calls had ceased.  So I played the set of calls in the Pizzey and Knight app on my iPhone to which I got responses from firstly a New Holland Honeyeater and secondly an inquisitive Spangled Drongo.  The Drongo didn't hang around but it was an all dark bird, larger than a Common Blackbird but smaller - and slimmer - than a male Satin Bowerbird.  Also, the call heard constantly was definitely that of a Drongo.  Tick!!!!

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