Monday 15 July 2024

A July walk on Captains Creek Fire Trail

The weather of 14 July was ordinary, approaching average.  However, rather than spending the whole day more or less huddled over the fire, in the afternoon we went for a walk along a kilometre or so of the Captains Creek Fire Trail.  My aim was to take snaps of the flowers, and hopefully find an orchid or two.  Cutting to the chase we saw no orchids and only heard 4 very common birds!  However I did get some reasonable images of a few flowers.

The first image is at the start and shows a mass of white flowers: mainly Hakea decurrens and Spiridium parviflorum.

A bit further in and Acacia - in this case mainly A. suavolens - in the dominant genus.
There are some impressively tall specimens of Banksia serrata along this walk.  In this example a branch had fallen from the arrowed site.  On hitting the sandy ground it had embedded itself by about 10cm.  I think one would have been unwell  had it sconed one!
Now to some close ups, as identified on iNaturalist.  Hakea decurrens
Spiridium parviflorum - actually some flora here, although very parvi!
Styphelia ericoides - it used to be Leucopogon ericoides but someone needed a publication, and had a DNA sequencer on hand.
In this image the 'beard' is easily visible.
The three colours of Epacris impressa are shown here.
Dampiera stricta
There were a few wattle species in flower.  Here they are in alphabetical order.  A. myrtifolia
A. oxycedrus
A. suavolens
A. ulicifolia
This walk added a few plants to the list of July(ish) plants in flower!

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