Friday 16 April 2021

A couple of sunsets

I have been playing with the Scene settings on my camera.  This includes options for Vivid Sunset and Romantic Sunset.  Since coming back to Mallacootra we have had a couple of interesting conclusions to the day.

The first was the 14th of April which attracted me with the crescent moon.   First is the Vivid version ..

.. then the Romantic.
On the 16th the pile of pancakes (lenticular clouds, referred to by the Cloud Appreciation Society as 'lennies') appealed to me.  Again Vivid first then Romantic.



  1. Do you have the unfiltered photos for comparison?

  2. They look lovely! Do you have the unfiltered photos for comparison?

  3. Sorry Michael, no. I shall try again when when next have an interesting looking evening.


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