Saturday 26 August 2023

Birds, Skies and a few other things

 My latest photos.

A Scarlet Honeyeater feeding in the canopy of a tree at the Log Cabins.

A better (than my last effort) photo of the Nankeen Night-Heron at Bucklands.
A demented cyclist comes up Angophora Drive.
The low bridge at the start of the Chip Track is getting close to going under.  I think the remaining height of the bar is such that the River will break out before the bridge is submerged.
The lagoon on the ocean side of the bridge is (as would be expected) full.
After crossing a couple of sandhills the Track has been overwhelmed for about 200m.  A side track to the ocean is still possible but if coming from Betka along the River you will get wet feet.
Acacia longifolia is in good flower.
Hoodie breeding seems to have started.
A size comparison of the Hoodies and Crested Terns.
A flagged Australian Pied Oystercatcher on Davis Beach.  It has been seen several times in the area and was first flagged at Corner Inlet (about 330 km SW) in 2013.
The Royal Spoonbills were gathered in front of the wharf in the late afternoon of 25 August.

A bad hair feather day.
If anyone would care to comment on the topology of this Pelican ....
The clouds in the evening of the 25th looked as though they were going to be interesting...
... and they were in a cirrussy understated way.

Getting back home on our morning walk on 26th a Crimson Rosella found a good seat on a Gymea Lily.
A few more Lilies
A closeup of ....another Lily!
Mid-morning of the 26th and the Lapwing adults chucked a major wobbly as a small raptor flew over what they regard as their territory.  I recalled Jeff Davies commenting that a Hobby used the TV tower as a lookout point and there it was.  Not a great photo but it supports the ID, and it was about 350m away horizontally and perhaps 60m vertically.
Later in the day, reflecting the warmth, our Blue-tongued Lizards emerged from their refuge for the first time this season.  As far as we are aware.

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