Thursday 19 September 2024

Some recent bird sightings

 I have seen an image of a Black-shouldered Kite flying around with a twig in it's beak.  I am happy to record this as a breeding record.  Also the Silver Gulls have assumed the position on Seagull Island. 

The Masked Lapwings running a reign of terror on our neighbours' lawn have hatched the first chick. 

Three more to go!
That was then, this is now (about 0900 on 19 September)
A pair of Whistling Kites have been hanging about in the big Angophoras near by for some time.  I haven't seen them adding to the nest yet, but they perch near it.
I also took a couple of snaps of Common Bronzewings because why not ?

I went for a drive round the airport at lunchtime.  Although the last 2 months have been average or less in rain some areas are still boggy so I cut my route a bit short.  Sill got some interesting birds.

A Fan-tailed Cuckoo on the fence.
2 - I am tempted to say a pair - of Black-shouldered Kites, a little further down the fence.  I am uncertain whether these are likely to be the same 2 birds seen by another observer in Martin St.
A close up of the nearer bird!
Coming home via Betka I found 2 Hooded Plovers on a shingle bank in front of the car loop.

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