Sunday 29 September 2024

Following a tip on Orchids

 The Grand Final of the AFL was boring in the extreme so we went to check on a sighting of Beard Orchids reported by a friend.  That was at point 1 in the map.

We found beard orchids very quickly.  According to iNaturalist these tow images are Calochilus paludosus.

This one seemed 'different'.  Possibly just aged but I have called it C. campestris, Copper Beard Orchid.
We then explored the track into the Water Treatment Plant (WTP).  Area 2 on the map. Few Beard Orchids but many buds of Thelymitra sp. (Sun Orchids).  The weather was not propitious for the flowers to open, being about 15C and very windy.
One small Onion Orchid (Microtis sp.)
We moved up to the track under the power lines (3 on the map).  
Despite the weather referred to above this one has a bud open.  I feel safe calling it Thelymitra ixioides - the default Sun Orchid in this District.
On the verge of the main road, heading towards point 2,there were many Glossodia major (or whatever the DNA freaks are calling Waxlip Orchids this week).
A few other images.  I think this (from area 1) is Thelionema caespitosum in a white, rather than blue, form.

Mitrasacme polyforma from Area 3.
When we got home Channel 7 was still showing proceedings from the G.  I hesitate to call it football as the Lions were around 80 points in front.  The Swans had given up and the Lions were playing a style of football I remember from playing in Torrens St, Mitcham with my mates: dobbing the ball from end to end with no real purpose.  Glad we went out for a nice walk!

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