Friday 6 September 2024

Observations on 6 September

 The good stuff began early with a sighting on our morning walk of 5 Australian Figbirds (1 male and 4 females) near Broome St.  When we first came to Mallacoota as visitors (2013-14) a Figbird sighting would get people driving from Melbourne to add them to their Victorian list!  Then as we walked - probably giving our rate of progress somewhat the best of it - up the mountain that is Angophora Drive a small flock of 5 Little Lorikeets went over and scored Bird of the Day.

I swung by Cap'n Steve's Point later where the highlight was 10 Caspian Terns.  Here are some of them, mixed in with a few of the 500 Crested Terns on the sandbars:

There were 37 Bar-tailed Godwits on the edge of the sandbars.

In the afternoon we went for a walk up the Narrows, mainly looking for flowers.  Many of the orchids we had seen on previous visits had gone over but there were still a few good plants around.

Indigofera australis is beginning to hit its straps.
As is Pultenaea daphnoides.
Daviesia latifolia was an addition to the Sptember list for the District.  A classic 'egg and bacon' flower.
Glycine clandestina was evident rather than being clandestine!  (NB the big leaves are Hardenbergia, the sets of 3 are Glycine.
Viola hederacea
Another addition to the September list: Prostanthera rotundiflora.
Finishing off a good day, as we drove along Lakeside Drive about 6:30 a Southern Boobook flew in the bushes on Stingray Point.  We are likely to hear one later, so it didn't beat the Lorikeet for Bird of the Day.

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