Saturday 9 July 2022

Once more unto the poo-pits..

 I have tried to make a practice of going to the Waste Water Treatment Plant (aka the poo pits) at least once a month.  This reflects it being the only large and reliable body of fresh water in the Mallacoota District.  

Access require some consideration due to the forestry works on the 'old' way in, but the back gate is available as back up.  No work was happening today (40mm of rain in the last 24 hours and a weekend suggested that would be the case).

The outing caused me to remember the words of a motorbike-riding Swedish friend.  He commented along the lines of "Rain always lasts long enough for you to get soaked and then put on your wet weather gear.  Then it stops."  Today it waited until I got to point 1 to start raining.  I was a bit sheltered by the bush (although the trees leaked) until I got back to the totally open area where it pissed down until I got back to the car.

There were several good Mallacoota birds around today.  5 (at least) Scarlet Robins which can be uncommon but are everywhere this year.  20 Hardhead (this is the only spot in Mallacoota but they are easy to find in Canberra).  2 Australasian Shovelers (ditto).  My choice was Australian Shelduck: while they are always here (and occasionally at Genoa) they are uncommon in Canberra.  I counted 16 of them today (but no ducklings yet).
They also get a good score under the spiffy rule.

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