Friday 22 May 2020

A walk in the Woodland

After yesterday's beach trek today we were back in the woods.  I feel this is a PETA-approved activity as it keeps the mosquitoes happy and well fed

Excitement came when Frances spotted our first greenhood orchid for several months (possibly since the fire). This has been confirmed as Pterostylis acuminata.

 The commonest flowers were Scaevola ramosissima.  Many swathes like this.
 The area had scored a very intense fire.  This fallen tree reminded me somehow of a sleeping cow.  The track was clear of any blockages and was completely safe (as far as any track in any foret at any time is complateley safe).
The Banksia serrata trees seemed to have taken a major hit and I didn't spot any with epicormic growth.  However there were many germinating seedlings.
 This large specimen of Lomatia ilicifolia was good to see in full flower.
 Ilicifolia = Holly leaved: what you see!
 A close up of some Lomatia florets
 In some places there where many of these ferns and no Pteridium (bracken).
 No idea was this small bush will turn in to when it grows up.
 Possibly the commonest shrub seedlings were clusters of this with square stems and few leaves.  Towards our turn point I finally found one with flowers.  That enabled identification as Ampera xiphoclada.  While pretty in the image, the flowers are not exciting as they are only 2-3 mm across!  The image is well zoomed.
A nice clump of Pimelia linifolia.
Finally, that well known species "a yellow flower".

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