Monday 20 May 2024

Some Phungal Fotos

 Not as good as Caroline's but taken with my phone! Those identified to species have been agreed on iNaturalist, the more generic descriptors are mine!  The photos were mainly taken in Mortimer's Paddock.

Macrolepiota clelandii

Cruentomycena viscidocruenta topside
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta underside
Lactifluus flocktoniae: this is a newly defined genus split from Lactarius in 2008This was found on the Captains Creek FiretrailAccording to Wikipedia the genus Lactifluus was defined in 1806 before being merged with Lactarius. Don't you love taxonomists?   The 'Lacti' element of the name refers to the milky latex exuded when the body is damaged

Pluteus hubregtseorum
A paint fungus.
Leather/shelf fungus, topside.
Leather/shelf fungus, underside.
Possibly a "Rustgill" (Gymnopilus sp.)  These were at the picnic area near the start of the Chip Track.

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