Monday 13 May 2024

Mothers Day Photos

 A few snaps taken on 12 April.

In the morning I visited the Narrows carpark and found at last 2 Nankeen Night Herons, possibly 3.  The first was in the usual spot in the Pittosporum near the speed limit sign from which a second bird flushed to the far side of the big eucalypt. 

More flushing occurred from the Pittosporums on the far side of the big tree.  This may have been 2 birds flushing once each or one bird moving twice.  The end result was a second bird perching on a dead branch on the big tree.  I realise this is against all the rules.

The branch is usually occupied by Cormorants and here is one for comparison.
Boofy hairdos are not restricted to Royal Spoonbills (or crappy boy-bands - excuse the tautology).
Getting home I wielded the camera around a few flowering plants.  Beginning with pots out the front.

And then moving to the chrysanthemums out the back.

This one amazes me.  I bought it for $2 as a nearly-dead pot of sticks about 4 years ago and it flowers like this for months every year.  Wot a bargain.
A Canna has decided to join in.

A nice sky heading towards the evening.
My effort at aurora photography on the 12th (the 11th was solid cloud at Mallacoota).

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