Sunday 7 August 2022

Orchids a squillion, Cuckoo-Doves nil.

 Feeling somewhat less disease-ridden on 6 August I decided to go for a snuffle at Gipsy Point to checkout the greenhood orchid and Brown Cuckoo-Dove situations.  My expectations were positive for the former and less optimistic for the latter.

And so it was.  The majority of the orchids seen were on the roadside heading down to the Lodge boat ramp.  (There may have been other species present which I didn't identify.)

Pterostylis nutans: Nodding Greenhood

One of the many clumps of noddies.
Pterostylis curta: I saw these on the visit on 6/8, but didn't photograph them until calling in again on 8/8.  I didn't get a good image of the diagnostic twisted labellum, but did see that feature.

Pterostylis pedunculata: Maroonhood.  Not in such large numbers as the previous species but still a good crop.
I'm reasonably sure this Pterostylis concinna: one large clump towards the lower part of the track.  Much smaller than the noddies (as well as the flower not nodding).
Only one patch but lots of them!
One specimen from the Tall Greenhood group: Pterostylis melagramma.
Although the sought-after Dove was not evident there were quite a few birds around the relevant site.  The red Camellia was particularly popular with Little Wattlebirds.

Satin Bowerbirds were also common, including this very spiffy adult male.  It seemed to play "peek-a-boo" around the mobile chook pen!
The female/immatures watched on from a distance.
There has been some discussion on another FB Group about a Handsome Rooster seen at a campsite in Northern NSW.  This looks to be a very similar bird.  Do they migrate?
Parrots were also evident.


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