Wednesday 27 April 2022

Natural history expeditions on 27 April

 I ended up visiting 3 areas on the 27th.  The first was more or less accidental as I thought I would cast an eye at a roost of Pelicans, Royal Spoonbills etc on Seagull Island (mainly to count the Spoonbills).

My count of the Spoonbills was 17 with 23 Pelicans.  However while counting a Striated Heron landed on the mud in front!  I am afraid the photos are straight from the anals of Crap Bird Photography, but do suffice to identify the bird - well, the first 2 do!

I then scanned back along the mud and found a second Squidgy at the end of Seagull Island closest to the Wharf.  Dan Pendavingh had recently reported seeing 2 of this species on this Island.

After that I met up with Gerry Rushton and discussed his sighting in 2021 of a Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove on the Pumping Station Track.  Gerry was full of praise for the site commenting that on a recent visit he had recorded 41 species there (but not the dove).

I also went there and recorded 26 species.  That included a negatively phototropic Azure Kingfisher.  Not only did it not include the dove but I also dipped on Bassian Thrush which Gerry had seen on his recent visit.  Here is a habitat shot (I am bewildered that eBird doesn't allow such shots as part of their records - but then I am frequently bewildered by eBird policies).
Frances and I then went for a walk n what is left of Quarry Beach.  The sand has not yet returned and the position of kelp on top of these rocks - which usually barely visible above the sand - suggests there has been further vigorous wave action.
Miscellaneous stuff washed up.
It is always a thrill to see a White-bellied Sea-Eagle.  Photoshop has had a hand in getting this image from the silhouette my camera delivered!
There were some colourful shells beginning to appear towards the western end of the beach.
An interesting pattern in the sand.

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