Sunday 17 December 2023

Sundry snaps around Mallacoota

 This is more or less gathering together some photos I have taken over the last couple of weeks.

On going to the poo pits for my regular survey I was surprised to see a rather pale wader flying around above pond 2.  I was eventually able to get a reasonable image which has been identified as a Marsh Sandpiper: the first record in the District and I think the 7th in the Shire.

Roadworks are in progress along Lakeside Drive after the floodwaters dropped.  My guess is the level of the Lake was about 2m above 'normal': this was the highest I remember seeing it, but some old-timers commented about it once reaching the steps on the Bakery.

The boardwalk was fixed up very quickly considering how badly it appeared to have been damaged, and the gate was removed shortly thereafter.
A Koala was not at all fussed.
I went to Shipwreck Creek some days later to see the state of play there.  I have no idea how deep the crossing was but decided that  it was not worth experimenting.
We went to the Eastern Heath instead and found a few interesting items.  A Jacky Dragon posed obligingly for a photograph.
A Large Tongue Orchid (Cryptostylis subulata) beside the path through the heath.
Back at home, there is a fair bit of flowering going on.  Our Magnolia in particular is putting on a lot of flowers.
The bronze Leptospermum is just getting started.
A daisy of some sort.
A cypress: interesting pattern of leaves,
The gulls have nested here before.  If the weather is at all warm the eggs (or chicks) cook!
A sad jetty.  I suspect they didn't use the correct screws to fasten the bearers.

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