Sunday 3 November 2019

A useful drop!

When I woke up this morning I was surprised to find we had had 2.2 mm of rain as I had heard nothing while in the Land of Nod.

Then I looked at the radar and it looked as though that was our lot for the day.  and I thought the BoM 'range of 6-20 mm was ridiculously high.  However by 1130 matters were looking a little damper to our West.  Perhaps .....
 As I was driving around at about 1245 I had to have the wipers on the intermittent setting. Maybe ....

By 1402 the radar was looking a little serious about matters.
A few minutes after snipping that, there were a few loud rumbles and then the rain started.  By 1423 we have scored another 16.4 mm.  According to my Weather Station it was coming down at a maximum of 198.6 mm/hr which is very heavy.  The Inlet had vanished from view.

Our gutters gave up the struggle, with quite a large surface area trying to go through a 100 mm pipe a bit of back up occurred and thus some overflowing.  A frog had been resident in said pipe and was duly ejected.
There were also a few leaves in the pipes that had caused the filter to get partially blocked and spill on to the garden.

Looking at the image of the frog the enlarged toe-pads say "tree-frog" and the cross shaped pupil adds "Peron's" (Litoria peronii).
In case you wonder why a frog was named after an Argentinian President - it wasn't.  It was named after a French naturalist Francois Peron.

Thinking of French gives a lead-in "Apres la deluge ..." I though the frog was lurking in the filter so went to get a closer photo (and scoop the leaves etc out of the filter).  It was a frog but a former House Sparrow which I suspect had died in the gutter and been washed down (which might also have contributed to the backing up).

By 1450 that lot was over  with the day to date running at 21 mm (so the BoM 25% estimate was conservative). In fact for the period from 1400 hrs the BoM - via Meteye - offered a 10% chance of more that 10mm and looking at the probabilities through EXCEL I would guess that the fall we got had a probability of less than 15%.

This has got us in front of last year and the pro-rata estimate for the year at exactly 600 mm.  Gentle rain is continuing,

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